Cheryl “Cherry” Winley, is an entrepreneur.  She is a published author and owns multiple businesses.

She is currently studying to become a wellness coach and holistic therapist. She is the founder of Divine Life LLC.  The name Divine Life, comes from her spiritual belief that Jesus Christ is the “Divine Physician” and that healing and well being are works of Christ.  Cherry‘s passion for a healthy lifestyle was first ignited by the untimely passing of her beloved uncle who succumbed to lung cancer in 2018. He was an avid fitness buff and body builder. He was living proof that just working out isn’t enough! After suffering the loss of her uncle, Cherry started seeking information on plant based diets, vegetarian diets, pescatarian diets and any studies that focused on healing through healthy eating.  Cherry strongly believes that the body can heal itself if given the proper diet and natural supplements.
“Everything the body needs, God has put on the earth.” The plants, fruits, water, herbs, minerals; all growing for you to consume and heal.  During quarantine, Cherry put on weight.  Like most people holed up in their homes, she spent her time cooking extravagant fatty foods and consuming junk food. She began to notice that her clothes didn’t fit. She stepped on the scale and was horrified to discover that she had gained 23lbs.  She immediately took action.  She contacted a friend who is a wellness coach and signed up for a week of fasting and detoxing. In one week, she lost 13lbs. She was hooked!  Cherry is living proof that a daily regiment of detox tonic and sea moss gel work wonders.  Cherry is known to say that “sea moss gel is like oil for your stiff joints and muscles.”  She takes these supplements daily along with fasting and healthy eating.  Cherry inherently understands that good health is the single most valuable asset a person has.  So, if you’re looking at adopting a healthy lifestyle; consider Divine Life products.  Cherry believes that changing eating habits and lifestyle can be a divine intervention; preventing sickness, disease and suffering.